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About Me

My earliest childhood memory was figuring out Pitfall 2 on the Atari 2600. I graduated with a Bachelor's of Fine in Game Art after my original school shutdown.


My focus is on Level Designs to provide theories for how players move in a space. Then I add on to it with C# Programming to provide functionality within that space.


Understanding players motivation is my thing, and I continue to hone these skills to be the best asset on your team!


Death Stranding


Half Life (series)

Metro 2033

Monster Hunter

Silent Hill (1-4 & PT)

System Shock

Unreal Tournament 2k4




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A horror project themed in a call center.

This is a playable game made with unity for my senior thesis. I am still improving on this project in terms of its level design / programming.

C# Programming

A continuing project for proof of concepts using Unity.

The biggest project would be Vagrant.exe on sale currently!

Indiepocalypes #6

My Project Vagrant.exe demo was included in the bundle now available!


PAX East 2018 submission for Mount Ida College

A House of the Dead Shooter. The best studio style experience I have had in every aspect.

Island Inujima

A World War Level Design

I lead the overall level design to give players a crash course in strategic positioning and how to move using spacial language with major landmarks.


University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Bachelors of Fine Arts in Game Art


Mount Ida College

Bachelor of Science in Game Art


Technical Skills:




Game Design

Level Design






Work Experience:

PC Project: Vagrant.exe was packaged into the Indiepocalypse #6 Released July 2020

PC Project: Intern at Ragdoll Animation Studios

July 2018 - 2019

What I did: Programmed the functionality for HTC Vive used in a Forensic Unreal Environment to the capacity investors wanted. It was a great challenge to find ways to make the VR system feel no different than operating a smartphone or TV remote. The idea is that jurors and investigators would learn to use this quickly for their first time ever using VR hardware.

PC Game: Exeter - A 2018 Pax submission for Mount Ida college a House of the Dead style shooter

What I did: Lead Programmer in charge of the primary mechanics: Weapon firing, shoot-able power ups, implemented UI/UX functionality

© 2019 Anthony Smith. Created with

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